New Year
Every year involves something of a re-tool and a re-think. You need to keep it fresh. Being an artist of any kind entails growth, and this is something I am always focused on. Sometimes it an be just giving yourself a new…
Keep It Regular
Every year involves something of a re-tool and a re-think. You need to keep it fresh. Being an artist of any kind entails growth, and this is something I am always focused on. Sometimes it an be just giving yourself a new…
Intention without planning equals wishful thinking. Planning without action is busywork. Marry all three things up and you cooking. Sometimes, rolling along the creative line, you forget about the other things and you have all this great stuff you created and no…
Part of the plan is to identify all the moving parts. Part of the plan is to move each moving part towards completion. You change the plan as necessary, and you continue to keep it all rolling along. Consistency is the watchword.…
Words are important. The anatomy of language is something it is vital to understand for a writer.How do you find a voice? Well, you listen to yourself, and as you develop it develops. But how do you best translate that onto the…
Do you ever sit there and try and dream up new forms of writing? Give yourself rules by which you must operate in order to challenge your writing? My friend came up with a 434 word limit for flash fiction, and it…
It is hard not to come home some nights and just get stuck in the scroll. I watched a lot of TV, because I could engage with it, and it helped me think some, but getting stuck into the work didn’t happen.…
The year end gets log-jammed with Best OfsĀ and obituaries. It can be a weird mix of nostalgia and grief, and I am not sure I want to buy into that notion that I am cutting off a gangrenous limb and waiting for…
I am writing in different ways and in different places at the moment, but I am keeping it in. Nanowrimo was a little bit of a bust, with five novels started, but none of them getting anywhere near the finish line. I…
I am aiming at 5 different novels this year, and that way I might drag one over the finish line. I have only ever finished one actual target of 50,000 in a month, but I have several novels fairly far along in…
Hard work without a purpose seems like hard work. Why am I doing this? In what direction am I struggling? What is the end goal of all this labour? I do not know, so I drag my feet. Taking your life into…