The Year Starts

There is a weird leap to try and erase the previous year when a new one comes around and pretend that there is a blank slate being drawn upon; like we have hit a Star Trek reset button. There is no tabula rasa ever.

I know that it can be useful to see it as a reason to shed the way of thinking in which you have been trapped for the last year, which may not have been working, but you cannot do that in isolation from looking at what you were doing wrong.

January is when I was born and as a writer I am always looking to the past and to the future like the God over this month, Janus. Being hopeful is not lessened by the ability to look at what you are building on, or moving away from.

In 25 days I will be another year older, so as well as being a new calendar it is also always a reminder to me that I have been on this planet another year.

This month also sees the completion of a four year cycle that replaces the current administration in the White House. One hopes that it possible for both something new to come from the new president in office, but also that some lessons have been learned from the last 4 years. To move forward without any sense of what went wrong, and what, if anything, went right, is a mistake.

New projects are coming, but I would also like to focus on bringing past projects to fruition. This is a time for embracing the novel, but also flowing power to the classic

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