Nancy And Elizabeth

I have to say that the news that Elizabeth Warren is running for the Presidency in 2020 gives me some hope. What I have read of her and the things she has done to curb the influence of Wall Street impressed me, at a time when it seemed that most people running for office, because of their interesting choices sometimes, seemed to be in the pockets of private interests.

When they moved to appoint Sessions she got kicked out for trying to read a letter from Martin Luther King’s wife regarding him that would not have cast him in a favourable life. I felt that she had some principles to respect.

Trump hates her, which, when you listen to his racially insensitive belittling has been disgusting. That would make her victory over him, worth observing.

The effect of having Nancy Pelosi as the House Speaker, conjures similar images, even if I am not entirely sure of the merits of the woman herself. But it is not insignificant to be a female House Speaker, especially in this current climate. One hopes that it galvanizes something in her and inspires others, and interferes with the agendas of others.

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