to knock them open
i slip my tongue into your mouth to taste your words a language that is needed to lift your heart and the music carries all of us high over the land to crash on opposite shores running between closing doors to knock…
Keep It Regular
i slip my tongue into your mouth to taste your words a language that is needed to lift your heart and the music carries all of us high over the land to crash on opposite shores running between closing doors to knock…
I realised the other day that I may have found animals that I have owned after they have passed, but I have never sat with an animal as it dies. It seems reductive to even generalise, because my cat Gandalf and I…
But on the button was the words don’t put your butt on the button; it was on the button. You sometimes wonder at the idiocy of those in charge, especially when they charge over the ramparts into the face of enemy fire.…
half a smile ago i was this kind of person half a mile ago we saw the situation worsen a bathroom tile ago we were showering off the dirt of the day into the trough do you know where you are? if…
Whatever you think the cause of the irregularity has been this year, you would have to agree that it has been unusual. I think anyone that is reading me is likely to agree that the source of instability has been the incumbent…
I have actually been doing a lot, none of it made its way through this extrusion nozzle though. It’s kind of a weird world to live in at the moment. I go to work because that is not locked down and it…
distanced faces i’m an electronic island how do i brand myself? make the beacon compelling? strand people on the rocks? becoming a hook rolling out a line trying to bait with something other than myself so many floating dreams trying to codify…
I’ve been part of a few writing communities over my years online, but a lot of them, if they didn’t disintegrate, kind of wound down into lesser versions of themselves. You go through the honeymoon period where there are all these new…
Good news is hard to come by at the best of times. I have a recollection of typing it into Google once and getting a definition of it, rather than any actual good news. I studied journalism and good news isn’t anything…
His room was a disintegrated metaphor. His skin crawled with bookish text, trying to worm in at the tattoo load level. There was a Tourettes plant that would visit him and try to spatter him him with the undifferentiated tissue of word…