Edited Out
His room was a disintegrated metaphor. His skin crawled with bookish text, trying to worm in at the tattoo load level. There was a Tourettes plant that would visit him and try to spatter him him with the undifferentiated tissue of word…
Keep It Regular
His room was a disintegrated metaphor. His skin crawled with bookish text, trying to worm in at the tattoo load level. There was a Tourettes plant that would visit him and try to spatter him him with the undifferentiated tissue of word…
I have been watching through the entire X-Files run. I even watched the movies, and the spin-off, The Lone Gun Men.I’ll pick up Millennium at some point as it ties in through a cameo from Lance Henrikson. I’ve been mostly impressed. Season…
I have read all of his books now. I completely missed them when he was alive. I find this kind of amazing. We both come from East Anglia, have similar interests in TV, music, and films, he wrote for Wire Magazine, and…
I feel in some ways like I’m late to the party in the same way that I was with Anthony Bourdain, but not exactly. I knew about Clive James from his TV shows that I watched with my dad back in the…
I have been writing more writing than writing about writing, so some things stopped being done for a while. I am watching a lot of documentaries and it kind of gets you into the headspace where you pull back from what you…
Mull of Kintyre pricks are not offensive but fully erect pricks are, and don’t you dare bring a vagina near the TV screen. Did you know that there are Lesbians in the world, and Homosexuals? Did you know there are people spread…
you turn around and realise you missed half the year by being busy elsewhere the world moves on and poems get written but what box do you put them in? what is art worth? what is poetry? where is your head at?…
in anticipation of the end we hang depend watch the day distend we have been organising books avoiding cat-claw hooks treading across the carpet naked from the shower all the towels in the laundry trying not to leave wet patches we are…
sucking on a popsicle acting like i’m kane in kung fu walking the ghost town where sitting down earns you stares fuck the never theres fuck the half awares i’m not depending on traffic lights i’m not waiting on hard shoulders i’m…
how free do you feel about saying fuck off? leaning into the wind of the stare of another? brother motherfucker tell some shithead he’s a stupid sucker i’m a music i’m a painting this is an “is” thing it ain’t an “ain’t”…