those frozen moments nostalgia sepia they creep in seep deeper hold you hostage like a dream caught in the fade before dawn wakes into day the hands are static the action automatic the pause held like a dancing moment you seek them…
Keep It Regular
those frozen moments nostalgia sepia they creep in seep deeper hold you hostage like a dream caught in the fade before dawn wakes into day the hands are static the action automatic the pause held like a dancing moment you seek them…
A diet of small children hadn’t really done him any favours in terms of public relations. To say that he had an impulse control issue was a vast understatement. To be sat there picking your teeth with a child’s pinky finger that…
If they had just been playing with the Face Changer then it might have been OK. A handheld DNA resequencer turned Robert into a plant. Susan was a vinyl record. It prompted an investigation. Why the hell had someone brought these pieces…
Gran was broken down. The AI had been shunted off into a Retirement Zone. The body sat there like a rubbery life-sized replica. They were waiting for the program for the guzzlers to break down what was left into its constituent parts,…
I read an introduction to a book today that described how the book was almost impossible define, yet there was a disclaimer that the introduction gave away the meaning and ending of the book. That was a strange arrogance I thought, when…
I don’t really feel like my writing system fits into too many methods that the big writers seem to write about. Longform works derived from regular shortform. Poetry as an exploration of ideas that I then work up into fiction. Writing about…
unzip the skin suit drop it in the trash the moment you dash out through the crash of the wave that washes you into the grave or at least the flesh and then you rise fresh like a weight of breath to…
I am trying to get back in the rhythm of writing again. This year has been harder in terms of energy to write than any I have encountered before. I always thought of block as not having anything to say. Instead it…
Keeping anything regular has been a little rough for me in the last few years. Things have changed a lot jobwise, whether it be all those months working from home, or the more recent end of my main gig. I have been…
Today was somewhere between slug and sloth. I napped earlier in the day and I napped just before 10. 10 is when the cats get fed so you are guaranteed to get woken up. Waking up from a short nap is a…