Touch Yourself

Sometimes your writing grows through the practice that you do and the lessons that you apply to your art. Sometimes the writing grows because you yourself go on a journey that allows growth and an increase of understanding. Sometimes it is a convergence of the two things happening together.

Ideally, you should take what the world gives you and transmogrify it into something better. Who the hell wants art to be smaller and greyer than life?

Life is a spiritual journey. Even if you don’t cotton to the idea of spirituality it is always a process of discovery. A scientific process of discovery is imbued with its own glory. Whichever way you choose to think about it, it’s a beautiful thing.

I know I have touched people with my writing. I know I have touched them as a publisher. But you have to do it for yourself too. As the Divinyl’s advised — sometimes you have to touch yourself.

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