The Graveyard Of Incomplete Cycles

Piles of stuff rebuke me — they say hey, we are waiting for you to get to us. What am I going to do? Drop entirely the regular stuff of everyday life? Some of these things are extraordinary to the routine.

Routine is helping me have a regular supply of new stuff. I’m trying to keep that together while keeping an eye on the older stuff that needs to be completed.

At some point I want to see if there are nuggets of wisdom to be extracted from the random writing about writing. As with everything else, where feedback lacks you have to imagine how your work is functioning.

I know some of my poetry works because I get instant reaction where I post it. I have followers from other places and friends, and what I might even call “fans” of a sort, but I am largely unknown.

We persist. We try and learn. We write what we want to write.

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