A Simple Man

A simple man born into a time where people are not the same. Technology snakes its way through the umbilical and implants, unless like him you are born in a blackout. His mother’s friend-or-foe signal box failed to recognise him on several occasions and sent nanoswarms to decompile him. He had been locked out of the house because despite his genetic markers registering, the securi-comp couldn’t determine what was happening with his virtual systems.

There was nothing happening with his virtual systems. He went to the coffee shop and sat there looking around to see if anyone else was Plugged In to the IRL; they weren’t.

Why would you not have some kind of tech onboard, in this day and age? People mistook him for an Incompatible, and Inks weren’t welcome anywhere. The robo-bouncers didn’t seem to care that he didn’t bounce – they would throw him way further than was necessary.

He wasn’t a Luddite, he just did not see the need for all the appendages that people were adding into themselves. If they were a necessary part of what it was to be human, wouldn’t they have already been born with them? The uncut man, in the land of elective surgery, is not king.

Jellyfish Redial and Starfish Repair were not something he had ever thought with, so when age started to creep in on him, and his mobility was affected, he became even more of an oddity. Repair shops were not hospitals, and the Euthanasia Contingent, so popular when uploading consciousness into the cloud was the thing, was not around anymore. Not that he wanted to die, but that was the primary suggestion he was getting.

He decided to rent a droid to shop for him, and to look after him. He noticed it would dial down its emotions when it stepped in the door, because the first few days had been micro-aggression city. Seeing disgust every day would have only worked for so long, and this model, wanting an upgrade, had to earn it.

Who died from failure of the body anymore? The person who found him was not sure what to do. They hoisted him up and unceremoniously dumped him into the recycler. A simple way to get rid of him.

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