Regular Elsewhere

It is funny, but a lot of different stories have been crystallising, and the narrative advancement in one story has been having a knock on effect in other projects.

I have been working hard to get my time management knocked into shape, but I have been hustling, hustling, hustling.

Whenever the regularity here drops out, the first step for me to get it corrected is to make a note of it, and to express a desire to get it rolling again. It is usually just the spur I need to get it under control.

Being busy is a good thing, and I am writing so many different kinds of things that it really is stretching the muscles. I want to have it so under control that I never miss anything, but nothing is perfect, right? This is one of those periodic first steps to re-establishing order. I want to start using the non-fiction posts here to lay out something more useful for others, rather than a straight narrative of what I am up to, or to more closely slave that narrative to at least something a little more universal.

I am learning new things always in the hope of making the whole working set up work more, and I am totally down to share more of that. As ever – watch this space.

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