
There are swings and roundabouts, or ups and downs. You have to learn to navigate them. Some people get dunked under and dried out regularly, and they never learn to read the compass, or read the map, or learn the stars, so they are always lost in the sway of things. It need not be that way.

If things can be done a certain way, and a certain result can be achieved, then it should be repeatable, and it should be learnable.

I have read many things that tell you that things are not this way – that there are mysterious workings behind everything, and that you will never be initiated, and you might never know what they are, because the likelihood of a lowly person like you ever being initiated is zero to none. That is so much bullshit. The priests – who were initiated and had to learn, and as part of that were handed control of the texts with the instructions then try and tell you that there are no instructions; it is a club, an island of exclusivity. It is a dead end.

Results are achievable. That means the process leading up to the results are learnable. Yeah, it bears repeating. Anyone who tells you that you can’t learn anything you want to learn is talking out of their backside.

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