A Roll

I love it when I hit a roll, and the idea that I am working on now is for the roll to keep going and to never stop. It sometimes seem unreal that you could become something akin to a perpetual motion machine, but if you seize on the idea that you are an immortal spiritual being, that notion starts to seem less crazy.

I want to work hard until I am in a place where it ceases to be work and becomes something more akin to play. Keep pushing and you can reach that place – I see it with many artists. Through the learning they incorporate what they do into their breathing and into their being, and it becomes so natural that they almost forget how they arrived their in the first place.

Who doesn’t love telling stories. Were the first ones lies? I don’t think so – the first ones came to me when I sat there after reading the bible and wondering what it all meant, and starting to seek the understanding within the remit of my own ability to conceive of the nature of the universe. My whole life has been a continuation of that initial search, and I don’t see a day when it will ever end. Life is cool, n’est pas?

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