wave of particles

things are different over time perspective shifts position drifts satori clicks things fall into places they wouldn’t before various open doors different wins and draws exposing different flaws sometimes it’s apples other times is cores discovering the hidden clause living in the…

tides and lying

we’re gathering threads for something like a conclusion in a space filled with beginnings that are coming out of warm shutdown some believe this translation will speak their language in a way the last change didn’t but they are ignoring the pattern…

in the fictional distance

living in the fictional distance poetry self defence a creative pretence to avoid being stuck in a hopeless place the angry voices are louder reason trying to box the chaos but it’s hands holding soup sand through the sibyl’s hand all that…

the soundtrack prism

what’s your rhythm? soundtrack prism you are meeting in the tracks you weren’t wax you were mixtapes and mix cds and playlists shared you cared about the music not a greatest hits fan a little pedantic sometimes great at pub quizzes but…

petty political broadcast

petty political broadcast the words aren’t about the people and the war isn’t waged for them either it’s about the business of revenge it’s not served cold here it’s a steaming pile and it smells bad it sounds sad does it even…