Elvis Has Left The Building
It looks like an office but he knows it isn’t – the place is skinned in metaphor. He hates these Pathetic Fallacy projects where the landscape shifts under the feet of the rats in the maze, but how else do you box…
Keep It Regular
It looks like an office but he knows it isn’t – the place is skinned in metaphor. He hates these Pathetic Fallacy projects where the landscape shifts under the feet of the rats in the maze, but how else do you box…
disintegration of words into mumble hear the meaning crumble watch the communication tumble all this misunderstanding you here the words landing interpretation is demanding the note you are handing over into the potential grip of supernova into the gravity well of the…
How deeply does your own lack of confidence infect the perception of the work that you produce? Or does it only manifest in the quiet moments when you are alone? Perhaps it primarily asserts itself when you are around those you trust,…
They called it a Coincidence Point – or a Fortuitous Narrative Conjunction. They called it many things – but it was a stress point in The Narrative that people traveled to so that they might have things happen … there were many…
at what harmonic do you words resonate? not the easiest thing to contemplate when engaged in a dither state like a cat in a box or a photon through two slots how do your words relate? you look out through the bar…
The expression of Regular Movement that I have been involved in of late is editing and publishing rather than writing, which I am enjoying a lot. The presentation of the work in finished products and complete collections feels like it has completed…
you listen in tuned and attuned the radio of self the turning wave the rolling stone i was a blue note i was a known orleans i knew orleans i was a delta screen i have been sitting here for forty plus…
Sometimes when you write, when you look at what you have written, and when you see how people respond, you are happy. Sometimes you look at it all and you are unhappy. Sometimes writing about that unhappiness helps to debug the problem.…
the pitch black send the pitch back the balled up paper pitched the road to hell paved with pitch you’re a shook fist you’re a to-do list you’re self-inflicted in-fighting you’re block and you are writing peel away the persiflage words are…
Writing and the purpose are not the easiest things to resolve sometimes. Do you write because you love to write, or do you write to be read? If it is the first then it does not matter who reads you – if…