Darles Chickens
He had just finished writing about Blister Mooge and his run in with the Easter Bunny and The Fisherman, and now he was going to an older notion he had had about Gulliver Fist. His serialised fiction was popular with those who…
Keep It Regular
He had just finished writing about Blister Mooge and his run in with the Easter Bunny and The Fisherman, and now he was going to an older notion he had had about Gulliver Fist. His serialised fiction was popular with those who…
Built from mistakes. Stories can be made of beautiful mistakes. Jazz can emerge out of riffs that are happy accidents. Do you have an ear for it? When your paint runs can see the signal to imagination that it sends? There are…
How does it feel to destory a planet? Bloop Hens had evolved this far out into The Contentious Sector into combat mode, and they were going in hard and heavy to Terrorform the place, and erase any local mythologies. Roost-Errs were dropped…
insanity lulls you to sleep your failing eyes are willing blind every day a choice to rewind through moments where the colour was blue this is some kind of clue to who you are in the tracks of a mental scar you…
The equilibrium settled and the Rapid Assembly Population began to move out of the longhaul ship to settle on the planet they had chosen for the endpoint of their journey. Distillation Mimics were common in the first generation, where the algorithm sought…
Does the mis-estimation of self lead to the mis-estimation that comes from others? Is it merely your own inability to be sure-footed that invites someone to test your stumbling? I sometimes feel like I telegraph my weaknesses, and if that doesn’t let…
separate to white and yolk sometimes you invite a joke are you a flexible kind of bloke? samsara wheel of weal, i spoke on my path from acorn to oak i often wondered why i broke saw an anthill, had to poke…
juxtapose de kooning, close the abstract and the push to photographic something static holding movement in its magic something tragic changes it and moves the poles closer
The world is inspiring, and you step over many beautiful things every day. And you say that the world is an ugly violent place, but you are a blind man describing your part of the elephant. Choose uplifting stories to watch, and…
He cracked the top of his head, and the fire leaked out. His eyes were emerald green, and his skin was copper – descendant of an Egyptian God distilled into human form. He was whistling a bebop arrhythmia that dreamed of Bird,…