Stepping Above The Low Blows

I think this may have been one of the quietest years of my writing life. Some people got in my ear and echoed thoughts that were dangerous to forward momentum.

I got to the point where theĀ fuck you kicked in and I started to find myself again. I started thinking about how to turn the chaff into something useful — poetry and fiction. I did chip out some poetry, and some flash fiction during this time. But the fludity of my thought and my creativity were curtailed.

I know I have written about this elsewhere, because that was part of the process of extricating myself.

You have to know and recognise your own magic, and how that manifests itself, so that you can see when your light has dimmed, and how that looks as well.

You don’t have to go around bathing in the light of your own ego, but you don’t have to let someone else dim you further. Also, recognise that no matter how they try to package the bullshit that they are peddling you — they are not trying to help you. The fact that they work so hard to bring you down, indicates the level of fear that they have for you. Your creativity is powerful.

But things are about to change, and the ones who weren’t on board, and the backstabbers, they can have their due. A diet of dust for them as I leave them in my wake.

Publishing projects are around the corner, and I am going to land some longform works too.

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