Technical issues have made it hard to post recently but I am going to get on that. I have found this site to be incredibly useful for me forĀ keeping the juices flowing and giving me a much freer outlet in which to work out fictional problems in the larger fictional shared universe I have created. There may be a flurry of activity here for the end of the year to make the planned 2022 collections for this site somewhat respectable in terms of volume of content. I had a lot of problems with websites which I am working on.
Next year is going to represent me getting more on top of the technical side of running these sites and understanding more of the backend. I would describe my knowledge as pretty surface. Building a site is something I have had a lot of experience with. maintenance is something I did in bits and pieces, but it is something I am increasingly have to get a handle on. My websites in some cases have had to be rebuilt, and it totally wiped out my publications site if anyone has tried checking it out and wonders where it is at.