But on the button was the words don’t put your butt on the button; it was on the button. You sometimes wonder at the idiocy of those in charge, especially when they charge over the ramparts into the face of enemy fire. Is there a plan?
He was planning on doing a recreation of the situation he had lived through so that he could communicate it to other people. That recreation became a situation in and of itself, which they would restage twenty five years later in tribute.
You are trying to understand who you are and what you were, so you can help your children become what they will become. Your children will look back through the documentary footage to understand who you were and how they became what they became.
It’s a comedy and it is a tragedy and it is also life. He was Charleston the clown, and then he was Charles the political commentator, and then he was Charlie the homeless person, and then he was dad or Chuck.
You sit there and you laugh, and sometimes the laughs are wrappings for bright tears, and as the laugh peters out, the tears brim. You are the cliched sad clown and you say that because you know that admission is an escape.
You place your butt on the button and the scene explodes.