Working At It

Hit the ground running. Start out the year with a solid foundation of work, and a solid practice in place, and it gets easier to keep the ball rolling.

I hate getting to the end of the year and feeling like I didn’t do enough. 2019 was a little like that. I watched less movies, I published less, I read less. I still wrote a lot, and if we were looking at writing that I did for work, I probably wrote more than ever. There was a point where I was consistently knocking out 5,000 words a day for 5 days of the week.

Building structures and working our organisational principles that allow you to turn the hard work into something that pushes in a cohesive way towards your goals is vital, and I have been really working on honing this aspect of my whole set up. Is it perfect? No, obviously not. Is it paying dividends already? Maybe so.

Constantly clarifying what I am doing that is working, and enshrining that into regular practice is something I have a lot of attention on. I am always working to hone my craft and become a better writer, and I am also working super hard to make sure that I approach a similar level of skill when it comes to running a business and selling the products that I create. The non-creative aspects of the work  I am doing don’t come as naturally and require some effort.

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