How much can you do, and how much are you doing? I often ask myself this, and I am often asked this by those I work with, and those I work for. I get asked by those who I am surrounded by. Do they ask me directly, and do they comment on my answer? No. Not really. But I can tell what they are thinking, and even if I couldn’t I know how I feel about my own work, and my own output.
Some days I know that I fall short, and some weeks I get to the end and I wonder what the hell I have managed to get done. If the answer is nothing then you have to wonder what it was that you were doing.
I understand that often I am getting more done than a lot of the people that I talk to, but that it not the yardstick by which I measure myself. What if you were to look around you and nobody was doing anything, and your output was kind of OK? You might think it was OK to slack off, but only if you failed to ask yourself whether or not you had surrounded yourself with the right people.
I have to say that of the people who are around me, and whom I respect the most – they never stop hustling, and they are far from lazy. Weirdly, some of them don’t recognise their own greatness, but it is evident to a lot of other people.
I set myself regular targets, and for the most part meet them, but sometimes I fail. Some people set no targets, and so don’t technically fail, but they never have any skin in the game. I hope no one thinks that of me. I don’t think they do, but I know for certain that it is not the case.
Anyhow, as with any periodic dip in activity in one place, there is generally an uptick in activity elsewhere for me. I am always writing something.
I as always, want to do more though.