It’s interesting when you write a whole bloody post and it just ups and disappears, and even worse when it is killed by the software you have installed to save back-ups, because it drops a back up in on top of the new text and you can’t undo it.
I am an idiot, some might say, for still typing into the browser, for still sometimes trusting websites as repositories, and it is true I have lost work because of this. What are you going to do?
I write this way because it allows me to get a lot done, and if I had to add in the whole thing of typing it out beforehand and then coy-pasting it, I might only get half as much done.
It’s rough – I know I have lost some great work to computer errors, but obviously I am not alone – the worst case I can think of being Warren Ellis, whose loss of work due to a lost computer killed a couple of series. The reconstruct is never the same, but sometimes it is maybe better … you have to hope, right?
Anyway, I am going to aim to rebuild what carelessness killed.