Kind of following on from my previous story, which was a resurrection, comes Red Wolf, which was another story that I developed as a kid but never really had the maturity to bring it to fruition. It’s great to go back and see that there is still life in a story – and I am going to be honest, for me, I very really see that a story is dead.
I will often put a character into another universe and push where they are at, kind of like moving them out of their comfort zone, so that I can really learn who they are and what they are about. I haven’t really liked killing off a character, but am down with doing it where necessary. You have to kill them and have the possibility of killing them because otherwise what does the living of the characters mean? Not a damned sight.
I am always trying to push myself, and sometimes this means going back to see what I had – to see what was not brought to the table – and to see how I can change it now. Never be afraid of anything with your work – be confident that you can manipulate the fabric as it needs to be manipulated.